Five Bands Who Sound Better Than Their Logos Look

I wrote an article about great albums with awful cover art a while back, but sometimes a band can consistently release great albums and still plaster a lousy logo on every one of them. Not every band needs to have an unreadable logo that looks like this… …but considering all of the below bands have their own unique sounds, they could have at least stood to have more unique logos to match. 5. Ophis Look, I understand the obsession in metal with incorporating inverted crosses and pentagrams into your logo at every chance you get. But couldn’t Ophis have had their graphic designer do more than just that before calling it a day? Okay, I guess they turned the “S” into a snake, added a few spikes, and made sure the letters were a little jagged, but come on. This is just boring. And as someone who takes pride in […]

Dear Metal Bands: Stop Changing Your Logos

Despite me branding myself as the only real metalhead (which is true, shut up), I am actually pretty open-minded when it comes to metal bands experimenting with their sound. Hell, my favorite band is Katatonia. Not only are they my favorite band, I’ll even go as far as to say they have never released a bad album, even with their continuously changing sound. But just because I grant them permission to change their sound does not mean they can go around changing their logo all willy-nilly! I don’t care that a band’s image should reflect its sound and should change with the sound accordingly. I still want to see the exact same logo that the band had designed when they had barely become legal adults (if that) on every single album, every single t-shirt, every tour poster, and every other piece of band merch until the heat death of the […]